In-House Training Programs: Good for Business

Companies and municipal agencies often question the value of offering training to employees. Developing (or purchasing) and delivering educational programs and materials can be time consuming and costly. Plus, taking employees away from their everyday tasks for learning opportunities can seem like a drain on an organization’s resources. However, employee training shouldn’t be thought of […] Read More

Tappan Zee Bridge

Buzzworthy Industry News | August 2017

Our industry is ever-changing and always exciting. Here’s some newsworthy updates in the infrastructure world. Innovative thinking Staying up to date with the news about what’s happening in the world of bridge design, engineering, and maintenance is a great way to keep ahead of your industry competition. Another is to stay abreast of what others […] Read More

Civil engineer on a construction site

What Do Civil Engineers Do, Exactly?

Most people have heard the term civil engineer, yet few know exactly what these highly-trained professionals do. Among other things, they’re the heroes who design, build, and maintain bridges, roads, and utility infrastructure. In this article, we’ll explore: What it takes to become a civil engineer Their origin story The training required and some of […] Read More

Weight limit on a bridge

What Makes a Bridge Structurally Deficient?

The Brooklyn Bridge is structurally deficient. Should you cross it? Whether crossing big, famous spans or small local bridges, this is a question drivers often deal with these days. That’s because almost one out of 10 bridges in the United States has been declared structurally deficient. Not only that, the average age of bridges in […] Read More

Skagit bridge collapse

9 Common Reasons for Bridge Failures

Featured image By Martha T (05-23-13 Skagit Bridge Collapse) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons Bridge failures can lead to injuries, loss of life, and property damage on a scale equal to plane crashes, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. That’s why bridge designers, engineers, construction workers, managers, and inspectors take their jobs so seriously. The […] Read More