Plan Ahead to Get Your Share of Next Year’s Bridge Infrastructure Grants

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), of the more than 617,000 bridges across the United States, about 46,000 are in poor or structurally deficient condition. To remedy this dangerous situation, Congress and the Biden administration have earmarked significant additional funding to maintain and repair old structures and build new ones through the Infrastructure Investment […] Read More

How Bridge Construction Businesses Can Gain Control Over Inflation

The last two years of record-high inflation have significantly impacted bridge maintenance and construction businesses.  Even with the enormous infusion of cash from the recent infrastructure bill, many companies find it challenging to stay profitable because of rising costs. This article will examine inflation’s effect on bridge-related businesses and what they can do to limit […] Read More

The Ten States With the BEST Maintained Bridges

Lessons learned from the country’s best bridge infrastructure programs. The poor condition of bridges in many parts of the United States has repeatedly been in the news lately. Recent negotiations over an infrastructure bill in Washington has made more people aware of how many bridges are structurally deficient or otherwise compromised.  There are many issues […] Read More

How To: Grow Your Business in 2019 and Beyond

The end of the year is fast approaching. The economy is performing at its peak, and it’s beginning to seem more likely that government spending on bridges, roads, and other infrastructure could increase starting in 2019. This may have you thinking about what you can do to grow your bridge-related business in the year ahead. […] Read More

In-House Training Programs: Good for Business

Companies and municipal agencies often question the value of offering training to employees. Developing (or purchasing) and delivering educational programs and materials can be time consuming and costly. Plus, taking employees away from their everyday tasks for learning opportunities can seem like a drain on an organization’s resources. However, employee training shouldn’t be thought of […] Read More