Bridge Maitenance

Top Five U.S. Bridge Projects of 2021

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and limited infrastructure spending, 2021 was a banner year for bridge and highway development and rehabilitation. Here are our top five projects across the U.S. for this year and why we think they’re best in class. Cline Avenue Bridge East Chicago, Indiana Cost: $160 million Length: 6,236 feet The Cline Avenue […] Read More

Bridge Maitenance

Spend Less on Keeping Bridges in Good Repair

State and local governments across the United States are looking forward to finally receiving the infrastructure funding approved by Congress in late 2021. It will make a big difference when it comes to repairing and replacing aging bridges, roads and other infrastructure.  Unfortunately, the influx of cash won’t fix everything. Much of the new infrastructure […] Read More

Landmark Highlight: The London Bridge in Havasu, Arizona

Learn about the legendary structure and how Bridge Masters, Inc., is helping facilitate its celebration. London Bridge is a famous structure that was built in the 1830s. It crossed the Thames River in the city of London.  So, why is Bridge Masters taking on a project for it in Lake Havasu City, Arizona? It’s related […] Read More

Rent or buy your on-the-job equipment?

See which option makes more sense when it comes to bridge construction, maintenance, and inspection projects. According to data reported by Statista, the equipment rental market in the United States has grown significantly over the last two decades and is expected to continue to do so in the years ahead. After falling slightly to $48.5 […] Read More

Bridges ARE Better

How the bridge infrastructure sector has managed to improve while others have continued to decline. According to the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the overall condition of infrastructure across the United States earns a dismal C- grade. The nation’s bridges got a slightly better C rating, […] Read More